Thursday, September 3

let me explain

I've been kind of MIA lately when it comes to this blog. Sorry. Maybe this brain dump will clarify why...
  • A wonderful person FOUND me on Etsy and invited me to be part of a craft show she's organizing locally. Scott and I talked about it, and I'm going to do it! I'm so excited and dumbfounded at all the preparation that is going to come along with getting ready for this. There are products to be made, a set up to think about, and all the other fun stuff that comes along with "putting your craft out there" for everyone to see and enjoy.
  • Scott and I have taken over "hosting" our Community Group. This is exciting and sad at the same time. Our previous "hosts", Jake and Kristi, felt God leading their life in another direction and had to leave fairly quickly for Georgia. We miss them already, but are pleased that our group has the opportunity to remain together. 
  • This week I move to the "production" team at Water's Edge for Kid Kraze and Wee World (our two children's programs). For those of you who don't attend our church, this basically entails acting out and storytelling the lesson for the week (along with some AWESOME sing-along, dance-along praise music time). I'm excited about it, but admittedly nervous about the challenges that come along with the opportunity. Here's hoping the "memorization" part of my brain still works! 
  • School is getting ready to start back up. My classroom is in order (and lookin' GOOD might I say). Open House night is behind me. The first day of school lies ahead. And ladies and gentlemen, I am officially up to 31 students in my class! Just to let you know, that's ALOT of kids in a 4th grade classroom (last year I maxed out at 21). Mentally and physically preparing/organizing for this year's bunch of students has been taxing and I'm looking forward to a LONNNGGG weekend of resting up for the CHALLENGE that lies ahead. 
  • Scott has started back to school, which means our "face to face time" has diminished by more than half. It's gunna be tricky working in time for us when there is so much to juggle... but if anyone can do it, I know we can! 
  • The next two months (namely the weekends since that's "non-working" time) are PACKED SOLID! There is so much to look forward to in the weeks ahead, but so much to prepare for at the same time. It's crazy thinking that all of September and October are already booked solid. 
  • THE GYM BECONS ME... but I've successfully ignored it's calls. I have to rework my gym schedule since our school hours changed (we are MUCH earlier now) and so far I haven't motivated myself to step over to the Y. Once school starts, and I'm back in a routine, I commit to making the Y my second (or maybe it's third?!) home again. 
from jessie (full plate)... with love 


  1. Glad you and Scott are apart of WEC. You guys are awesome!

  2. The gym just hates me now...I'm still paying for its love, but I don't think it's happy.

    Maybe we can start on a schedule again next week?

    How about Monday, Tues. AND/OR Thurs. and step on Sat. mornings?

    This may be easier said than done, but I'm sure we can get in at least 3 visits a week to start - I mean, we do need to prepare for a wedding :)

    love you! and believe me, you are NOT alone in your busy-ness, my dear!

