Monday, January 25

Golden Birthday

Your Golden Birthday takes place when your age matches up with the date you were born on. For example, someone who was born on the 5th of **insert any month here** would have their Golden Birthday when they turned 5 years old. 

I had never heard of this birthday phenomenon until that WONDERFUL and BEAUTIFUL friend Katie of mine shared the concept with me. Her golden birthday has already past (22nd Birthday) but mine has not (29 on the 29th). I know this is still three years away (do the math) but since birthdays have been on my brain I couldn't help thinking of the fun things that I will do to make THAT year feel special: everyone wearing some form of gold attire seems like a good start!  

Golden Birthday's can take place any time before someone turns 32.... so when is your Golden Birthday? And please comment if you've ever heard of this concept before! 

from jessie (not quite a golden girl)... with love 


  1. Def heard of this. I don't remember but my wife may have been the one to tell me about this.

  2. 2!!! I can't believe you have been deprived of the knowledge of the Golden Birthday! Shame on your parents! I missed out on all the excitement of mine, since I was two. But, I've known about it forever!!! I hope your's is great!

  3. It might be a northern thing. I've known about, but nobody here seems to. Mine was when I was 27. It was a lovely year for me!

  4. I turned 28 on the 28th in the same year that my husband turned 30 on the 30th. Cool, huh? Our golden birthdays were in the same year!
