Wednesday, March 17

garden full of cupcakes

Check out these "garden" cupcakes I recently made for my mommy's birthday::

My inspiration (and complete direction) came from the book Hello Cupcake. I received it two Christmases ago but this is the first time I've made a set of cupcakes from it. The book couldn't be any cuter or the directions easier to execute. You don't have to be an expert at piping icing because many of the "objects" are made from candies: tootsie rolls, skittles, corn flakes. They were more time consuming than I had anticipated, but soooo worth it. I think I'll try the sunflowers with ladybugs next (perhaps for mother's day). 

from jessie (crazy for cupcakes)... with love 


  1. SO cute and I bet they were delicious! What were the carrots made of?

  2. orange flavor tootsie rolls... so much fun to play with your food!

  3. I have that book and now that you made them look so good, I'll have to make some!

  4. mhmm those look delicious! what candy are the green peas?

  5. Lindo blog!!! Sou apaixonada por decoração!!! Esse olinho deve ter ficado uma delícia!!! Parabens!!! Convido vc a conhecer meu blog tambem!!! Um grande abraço!!!
    Adriana Xavier
