Friday, February 12

You Don't Know Jack

When Windows 98 was the "next best thing", my father bought a computer game for the family that would revolutionize our get-togethers for the next several years. That game: YOU DON'T KNOW JACK. We'd gather around the computer and pit our wits against each other for the ultimate "know it all" bragging rights! 

During a recent CG hang out night here at the Minter's pad, the memory of that fantastic game came to mind. Longing for the fun times and hilarious banter of the game, I hopefully googled it and found YOU DON'T KNOW JACK ONLINE... yesssssss! We had so much fun playing this shortened online version of the game. And though the site has not been updated since 2008, and the cd-rom game hasn't been reformatted for more recent operating systems, it's so worth a try. Trust me, you won't regret it!

from jessie (i know JACK)... with love 

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