Monday, July 27


Upon arriving home from church yesterday, Scott and I were greeted by quite the sight in the lawn adjacent to our apartment building. Nothing shocking, scandalous, or gross, just something that made me say... REALLY?!

One of the latino families in the apartment building next to us had taken it upon themselves to gather on the lawn for a cookout. This scene in and of itself is not what caused the reaction... what DID catch my attention was that the family had "resourcefully" relocated a couch that was sitting next to the dumpster onto the lawn as seating for the gathering. This couch had been sitting next to the dumpster all week long, through rain, sun, and stinky garbage. REALLY?! A part of me wanted to laugh, but a greater part of me wanted to cry due to the understanding that a sterotype was being perpetuated. I'm all up for family time, but I wish they would have let the couch be. 

from jessie (why, oh why)... with love 


  1. Yeah, that stereotype wasn't helped when we lived in Texas. Multiple times we would put old furniture on the curb to be taken to the dumpster only to see someone come pick it up and take it home.

  2. That couch looks like it still has some life left to live.. maybe needs a little love! I will say that during college we loved to take our crabby couch out on to the grass and sit around to "chill". Although it wasn't stunk up by the garbage, I am sure there were some comments made by passerbys! White folks can pull it too!
