Thursday, July 9

YUMMY or YUCKY:: Minnesota Edition

I told you I'd be on this Minnesota kick all week, and that includes incorporating it into one of my favorite posts: yummy or yucky. 

At one of the many family gatherings my dad's cousin Jenene brought out a plate full of "pig lickers". I have to say I was caught off guard at first and thought they were a joke, but after seeing everyone else start grabbing, I figured there had to be something to these delicacies. Apparently they sell these at the Minnesota State Fair and Jenene took it upon herself to create TWO WHOLE PLATEFULS of these beauties. So...

Pig Lickers
(aka Chocolate Covered Bacon)

everyone loves bacon and chocolate from Jenene (in the green)!

I have to say I found them curiously tasty, but my limit was two. It's the whole sweet and salty mix that makes it so scrumptious. At that, I have to propose a formal apology to my sis-in-law, Megan, who suggested two years ago or so (while working at a "whole foodish" type store) that the candy bars with bacon pieces in them that they carried were tasty. So Megan, I'm sorry I ever doubted your taste buds; you'd fit right in in Minnesota! Your turn: decide if you'd eat this item (YUMMY) or pass it up for fear of gagging/barfing (YUCKY) and post your response in the comments section. SO EASY a caribou could do it! 

Aili and I chowing down!

from jessie (pig licking)... with love 
haha... that's just funny right there! 


  1. yummy and yucky. simultaneously. i can't explain it.

  2. Eric BartaJuly 09, 2009

    Savory silky pig! That's how I explain it.

  3. Fun photo, I'll make sure Aili looks at it tonight too! I think "yuck" on the cholesterol lowering snack... But fun photo opportunities!

  4. I think I tried this once, and was surprisingly impressed, but yes, not one of those snack you can eat all day!

  5. AnonymousJuly 11, 2009

    I thought it was yummy, like some said you can only eat a couple. Love ya Jess

    Uncle Rick

  6. Well, I like to eat these little bacon wrapped sausages that are covered in brown sugar and baked. I always joke that they are my favorite candy! So, with that being said, I can see how making bacon into a candy could work. It does sound interesting. I would try it. I would think the first bite would be yummy. Maybe I will make them someday!

  7. SO...i have a recipe for bacon chocolate chip cookies that are YUMMY!!

    have you ever read the kids book Yummy-Yucky? I'll get it for you if not. SO cute!
