Thursday, July 16

Thorn Rose Jewelry

College provides a wonderful opportunity to meet a varitey of people, and my college experience was no exception. One of the lovely ladies of CNU I was fortunate enough to meet was Laura D. We lived close to one another, ate meals together, and conqured Radcliff Hall and the English Department together. Now, both of us are attempting to succeed by putting our crafty talents to work in an Etsy Shop together!

Laura very recently opened up Thorn Rose Jewelry, her shop on Etsy. Her eclectic tastes are reflected in beatuifully paired beads and pendants. Necklaces and bracelets are both available for extreamly reasonable prices! Here are a few of my favorites ready for purchase immediatly in her shop:
Porcelain Tree Pendant Necklace:
A bold and beautiful display mother nature would be proud of

Circle Medallion Necklace:
A zen like display of beads and pendant that harmonize together for a beautiful look

Amore Bracelet:
Shades of romantic reds come together lovingly in this accessory

What's not to love! Laura is a wonderful and talented lady and I hope you'll check into her shop to see the other accessories she has for sale (and perhaps purchase one for your own wearing pleasure). Did I mention Laura and I are BOTH on Etsy? If you haven't visited my shop yet, make it part of your TO DO LIST!

from jessie (with a little help for my friend)... with love 

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