Friday, May 29


Have you ever seen those "lower male anatomy" accessories some truck owners hang from the back of their vehicles? Well, they are NASTY. Insecure in proving their manhood through actions, the guys who sport these have one of two intentions (in my opinion): 1. making a non-verbal announcement to the world that A MAN drives the vehicle 2. offending/shocking people. All they succeed in is leaving a bad taste in my mouth. 

Can you see that apparatus hanging from the truck in this photo? What's wrong with this picture?.... That's right, the "ballsy" accessory was taken to an all time low. Ladies and Gentlemen, those are ladies pantyhose with two metallic balls inside. I caught this gentleman on my way out of the Walgreens parking lot yesterday, couldn't believe my eyes. So much shame!

from jessie (taking a stand against visibly gendering cars)... with love