Thursday, May 7

Summer Swimwear Survey

Summer was made for the skinny. This is how I've always felt. Like many women, I have always had a small issue with weight (keep reading.... this is not a self deprecating post I promise). I am not obese, but I am by no means small, and never have been for that matter. I've never been comfortable in normal shorts (chaffing anyone?) and buying a bathing suit is the most dreaded shopping experience of the year. This being said, I've had revelations in my maturing age resulting in a comfort with my body (well... essentially).

I say all this because in the past few years I have developed a growing admiration for women, shaped like myself, who don the bikini with no shame. Specifically, the women in the size 14-18 range who are somewhat fit, don't have excessive rolls, but who have some flesh to show. These women are comfortable enough with their self image and their body to just put themselves out there and disregard any negativity that may come their way for doing so (maybe this is a generalization, but it's the "aura" that I project onto them). I want to be one of those women, but I care too much about what people might say... or think of me. 

Now, my husband fully supports me in the bikini venture, and I've had friends who fit the "type" described above who rock the bikini with no shame, but I've also had friends smaller than me to pick on their "flesh" and whine about their (perfectly acceptable) bikini body. I'm not huge, I'm not skinny, but when is a bikini okay? I've matured to the tankini (this following the years of one pieces with skirts... at 13! very uncool) but who knows when the bikini will feel right for me. 

What are your thoughts on this? I'd really like to know. 

from jessie (beach bum)... with love

note of clarification: This post is not "should jessie wear a bikini... check "yes" or "no" (please don't turn it into that).  I simply wish to know your opinion on the matter of fleshy women wearing bikinis. I already have a TANKINI in sight for this year ;) 


  1. I support you and love you regardless.


  2. I feel ya! I worked the tankini for a while and then found a few bikinis I felt comfortable enough to wear at Target, high enough waste where not too much was hanging out, but low enough that my waist wasn't accented and looking like an inner tube. I think that a good supportive top is a must, with lot of coverage. I hope you find a cute suit and feel fantastic in it!!

  3. AnonymousMay 07, 2009

    Jessie, It's Becky Megan's friend. And your friend too of course. I think that it is wonderful when women are not ashamed of what they got. I think each woman should be her own judge. If she feels comfortable showing the world her assets then right on! If not then that is ok too. Personally, I don't weigh alot but all my fat goes directly to my stomach so I'm choosing this year to pick out a nice one piece I think. Anyways, I think women are beautiful in all shapes and sizes. Hope your swimsuit season is excellent. I'm planning on making mine the best it can be. see ya gurlie =)

  4. I too admire the sexy curvy women who rock bikinis without fear. It is my goal to be one of those women. . . And I am also a huge fan of the tankini...I think they actually look better on most curvy women than one pieces. And you have always rocked a classic style. I suggest a pin up style bikini, when you are ready to make the leap.

    (Sara, from CNU)

  5. You can rock anything - and seriously, if I can wear one, you can....we're opposite shapes (top heavy vs. bottom heavy) but we're both beautiful and you is getting skinny, so don't lie - you can totally pull it off!!

    love you!!!

  6. Mary TovesMay 09, 2009

    My weight has yo-yoed since we were teenagers. In high school I crested at 200 and then dipped way down to a size 6/7 in college. Now I'm at an acceptable size (but to be honest -- I'm working towards that 6/7 again).

    I always thought of you as skinny/average, so it surprises me to hear that you, too, go through the bikini struggle each summer! I completely agree with your stance on those fearless bikini-clad curvy women. Their confidence is something to admire, and I hope that we can all mature our self-images to that level some day.

    I think an important part of the bikini journey is self-actualization and acceptance. We have to realize that we're never going to be those girls that Cosmo and Seventeen told us we should be. We are victims to the unachievable -- to Victoria's Secret and Vogue(see "Killing Us Softly). I hope that, one day, we'll stop cluttering young girls' minds with hyper-sexualized, degrading images. Healthy bodies are beautiful bodies, no matter the size!

    And, just for good measure, whenever I feel self-conscious of *not* being that size 2 -- I think of Marilyn Monroe, who was a size 16, beautiful and classic. You're totally the Marilyn Monroe body type so GO FOR IT! :)

  7. Hey, I say don a bikini while you can before you have kids... I may be back to my old size, however, STRETCH MARKS are not fun to sport around in a bikini... it shouts out in the sunlight, kind of like how the Cullens look when they step into the sunlight "oh my goodness are those DIAMONDS?! oh, wait, nah, those are just stretch marks."
