Monday, March 16


So, to put it simply, my life has been BUSY the past couple of days. Even today, after I got through with school, I ran around doing erands only to come home and CLEAN, CLEAN, CLEAN! I'm now attempting to sit around and relax for a moment (not sure how likely that is). One of the things I like to do on the computer to relax insipired me to create a new FICTIONARY TERM...

Web-dow Shopping- (noun) derived from the term "window shopping". The act of perusing stores and items on the internet with no intention to buy; to browse and admire items for sale on the internet.

thoughts? I am a chronic web-dow shopper; and being such, I have found so many items that I LOVE on the internet. So partially because I feel the need to share the fabulous finds, and partially because this is a shameless "birthday gifts" plug (April 29th people), here are some of my recent discoveries: 

So my web-dow shopping has accrued much more damage than this, but inserting ALL the fantastic items would be TOO painstaking. More posts like this are to come, inevitably; so if you enjoyed my finds, stay tuned. If you didn't enjoy this post, stick around anyways (I don't ALWAYS talk about girly stuff). 

from jessie (web-dow shopper not-so-anonymous)... with love 


  1. I web-dow shop guitar stuff all the time. I wish I could web-touch guitar stuff online. That would be awesome. But not as awesome as you.

  2. this formatting is driving me CRAZY!!!! any tips?

  3. I love your taste and I'm happy that I could inspire part of your web-dow shopping =)

  4. That shirt and necklace are fantastical, however, I bet you that you can make that apple keychain and the cute plush monster. I dare you to try. double dog, triple dog dare you.
