Thursday, March 12


A little fyi: lists "wingding" as a synonym for "celebration". Hmmmm. It is defined as...
  1. a noisy, excting celebration or party
  2. a fit, either induced by drugs or feigned
I'm going for a NUMBER 1 type wingding weekend for Scott's birthday (and mom's!) this weekend. Starting tomorrow, my days are PACKED!!!

Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining. I love the opportunity to get together with friends to celebrate a shared friend/loved one. However, its going to mean some gym sacrafices. I normally double dose on Fridays (once in the morning with scott and dance class with katie at night) and top it all off with a class on saturday morning (step class). However, due to party plans, I am going to be a "wingding" machine this weekend. I'm so excited at the prospect of the merriment this weekend holds. 

So to everyone this weekend... enjoy yourself. Whether it be going out with friends, hanging out at home with a friend/spouse, or just taking some time to do something for you, take full advantage of what this weekend has to offer. 

from jessie (weekend junkie)... with love 

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