Tuesday, March 24


CG (code name: community group) was tonight, which means I'm getting home late, which means quick post THEN bedtime!

Over the past couple of days i've been inspired by a series of events to create/share some new fictionary terms. These events include: a trip to hooters, community group, time on the computer, and (another one that I FORGOT as soon as I sat down to type it!). So here they are...

lava-poo - (noun) the type of bowel movement that occurs upon eating Hooters wings or Spicy Ethnic food two days in a row; occurs mainly with males.

matriculate* - (verb) to move from one room in the house into the living room

commentitis- (noun) an obsession that occurs mainly in bloggers and facebook-ies in which the author/creator constantly checks their account for comments and messages from other users/followers.

So there they are friends (minus ONE because my brain FORGOT). And because I do suffer from commentitis myself, leave me something fun in the comments section when you're done!

from jessie (commentitis sufferer since Feb. 09)... with love

* matriculate is in fact a real word which has been modified slightly for use in our community group setting (courtesy of Jake Miller). The actually definition reads,"to enroll as a member or a body especially of a college or university."


  1. Tis okay, I too suffer from commentitis. Do we have some sort of ego issues we need to talk out? We should form a support group. Nice work!

  2. the fact that you linked to me in this post should cause a few people to matriculate to my blog... which in turn will give me commentitis as i anxiously await for people to comment on said blog... all the while hoping that my anxiety doesn't lead to an enormous case of lava-poo.

    such is life.
