Well, in-between the Easter Activities and family time, I was able to sneak in a little TV time; and to my delight (and Scott's tolerance), ABC Family was airing The Sound of Music all weekend! Outside of the WONDERFUL sing-alongs (again... to my husbands HIGH tolerance), and interpretive dancing, I was left with the lyrics " a few of my favorite things" in my head. Lightbulb moment!
So every now and again, I will be posting on a few of MY favorite things. This post specifically is about my "scrap" book, if you want to call it that. It's not a scrapbook in the modern sense because it's not full of store bought cardstock and pictures of me and mine being goofy making memories (because I have plenty of those!). Instead, it's a book of all those things that I felt necessary to keep but didn't want just piling up on my dresser (like SO many things do). So I took all those memory scraps, cool magazine cuttings, interesting idea finds, and special notes and taped them into this book! Looking back on this book reminds me of so many good times, and helps me look forward to wonderful events ahead (like BUYING A HOUSE!... one day).
Just to give you an idea, one of my "scraps", cut from a magazine, answers the question Why do so many women have cold hands and feet? The answer? Circulation and Blood pressure! The nerves that control blood flow to the hands and feet are more sensitive in women. So when the tempertautre drops, our vessels constrict more, warming blood flow slows, and our hands and feet feel cold. Women also have lower blood pressure (esp. when cold or stressed) which also limits blood flow). THANKS "Scrap" BOOK!
Everyone has favorite things, and this is just ONE of a FEW of my favorite things! What's one of yours?
from jessie (happy thoughts)... with love
One of my favorite things is my cardboard cut-out collection. I have a bunch.