Friday, April 17

Fill in the Blank

2 day hiatus from the blog... what's WRONG with me?!?!

Today I'm back with an all new Fill in the Blank; let's call it "Fill in the Blank Friday"! I appreciated the responses from the last Fill in the Blank left by BetnyNonnie and Rob. Here's how this works: read the statement, think about how you would fill in the blank, leave your completed statement in the comment section for ME and OTHER READERS to enjoy! So easy!

This week's Fill in the Blank is:

My favorite lunch from the 
school cafeteria was ____________ . 

My Response: My favorite lunch from the school cafeteria was never to be. To make a long story short, in kindergarten I bought my first school lunch and was made to eat it (by and EVIL lunch monitor) even after milk was spilled all over the grilled cheese and corn.    : ( 

from jessie (a little filler)... with love


  1. Italian Dunkers!

  2. Chicken sandwich with fries.

  3. spaghetti with those mini french bread rolls (I used to stuff the spaghetti into the rolls, it was the best!)

  4. Hmmm, I love school lunch in Alabama. They had fried squash and fried okra on the menu! Yum! Also, I was always a big fan of the square pizza!
