Wednesday, April 1

Lookin' Alike

While channel surfing post-gym, I came across a show called I Get That A lot. The premise of the show is that celebrities, real celebrities, work average jobs and in the process, get a lot of comments from customers about how they look like their celebrity selves, to which they respond: "I get that a lot!" I happened to catch the episode where Ice-T works as a sneaker salesman (very funny!). A preview showed Jessica Simpson working as a fast food employee (who ordered the tuna? or was it chicken?). 

This show got me to thinking, who do people say YOU look like? Those who are close to me know that I used to get DJ Tanner a lot when I lived in South Carolina. The comparison was generous to say the least. Candace Cameron needs a new makeup artist if we looked alike in our 10-12 year old stage ( mullet anyone?). 

So, who do people say you look like? A celebrity maybe? A singer? A local TV Anchor?  Do share! OR, did you have an experience where you thought were were in the presence of a celebrity, but it turned out to be a "look alike" situation? 

from jessie (Donna Jo)... with love 


  1. I once swore I saw Val Kilmer in Hibbing, could have been.. I never asked him. I was bummed because I wanted to watch that show and I missed all but the last 8 minutes!

  2. A teacher that my wife works with said I looked like John Cusack. I don't see it. Brad Pitt and I are from the same town so I like to think we look just a like. JK.

  3. I get John Belushi a lot. Escpecially when I have no beard. Which may be why I've had a beard for the last 6 years. Or maybe it's the double chin. Hmmm....?

  4. I used to get Opei alot

  5. I've been told several times that I look like Donna off of "That 70's show"...the tall skinny red head...yeah, i don't see it.
