Thursday, April 9

FIll in the Blank

Here's how this works: read the statement, think about how you would fill in the blank, leave you completed statement in the comments section. SO EASY and SO MUCH fun!

This week's fill in the blank is:

The yummiest thing about 
today was _______________ . 

My response: The yummiest thing about today was the Sunrise Sunset Smoothie I drank alongside Kristi and her Jetty Punch Smoothie (yay for making friends)!

from jessie (drawing a blank)... with love


  1. The yummiest thing about MY day was my nicece's choice of ice cream at Bruster's in Williamsburg for my nephew's birthday.... White Chocolate Raspeberry Truffle Ice Cream in a Waffle Cone! SO much yummier than my also tasty coice....Turtle Sundae!

  2. I spelled Raspberry and choice wrong.... oops. I could not leave my mistakes alone... haha. I am going to blame my exhaustion for my spelling mistakes!

  3. The yummiest part of my day was eating birthday cake ice cream with my wife.
